He’s crying.

No. That’s not crying...that's definitely screaming. 

Up and out of bed. To the kid's room.

Down the stairs. Pouring the milk. Falling into the couch. 

Eyes closing for a minute as he drinks quietly... 

Oooooo, never mind.

Up and off the couch and into the kitchen to grab a cloth to wipe up the milk that is now dripping off the coffee table.

My eyes are groggy. My body feels sluggish.

Can I just go back to bed??

I’ve started my morning this way so many times. And you know what? I hate it. I hate starting off my morning with the kids groggy, tired and in a bad mood before the day even begins. This is NOT the mom I want them to see. There has to be a better way.

And there is 🙂

When my first little one was born, I decided to stay on at my job as an environmental engineer -- my boss asked me to work part-time from home. Though the plan had always been to quit once the baby was born, this seemed like a good middle ground, so I said yes. 

Contrary to popular belief, babies don't just sleep all day and it didn’t take me long to realize that I needed to wake up early (I’m talking 4 AM early), if I was going to be able to get good quality work done. 

Even though I have long since stopped working, I have not stopped waking up early. Because I realized that when I wake up before the kids I have the time and space to that I need to prepare myself for the day of mothering ahead.

And a morning routine for moms doesn't have to be all about practicality. It also can offer time alone to do the things that you WANT to do, but can't get done with little ones grabbing at our heels.

Since we talk a lot about mornings here, I want to share what my early morning routine looks like (psst: this is my ideal morning routine. Does it happen every day  ? No. Most days, but not every day . If I do wake up late, I still try to squeeze in a shortened version of this routine). 

Here it is:

A Doable Morning Routine For Moms

4:30/5:00 AM - Wake up

My alarm is usually set for 4:30, but if I go to bed a little later than normal I'll change it to 5:00. There are three main things I want to accomplish  in the morning:

- quiet time with God

- spend time writing/blogging

- working out

So with my youngest normally getting up at 6:00-6:30, a 4:30 wake up time allows me to get those things accomplished.

Wake-Up Tips:

Your wake-up time is largely dependent on what you want to get done during your Mama's Morning. There are five habits that I think every mom should do, every morning before the kids get up -- but how those things are done is totally up to you. And it will look different for you than the mom down the street. There are two questions to answer when trying to decide what time you want to get up:

  • What time do the kids get up?
  • What do I want to get done before they wake up, and how long will that take?

Have you tried waking up early before, but just couldn't make yourself get out of bed? Here are 10 hacks to help you get up early.

5:00-5:45 AM - Quiet Time

Once I get out of bed and make a cup of tea, it's over to the couch or kitchen table for my quiet time. During this time I pray,  journal or write down prayers, and study Scripture. I use the New Inductive Study Bible to help walk me through how to study God’s Word. I have found it so helpful in keeping me focused, and helping me to understand the complexities of the Bible.

Quiet Time Tips For A Mom's Morning Routine:

If you are a believer, and are not currently in the habit of spending time in Scripture, check out this post for some encouragement. 

If you are not a believer, this could be a good time for you to sit in the silence and journal. Journaling can help you to focus your mind and body on what is most important for you, and prepare you for a day with little ones.

5:45-6:15 AM - Writing/Blogging

Once my quiet time is over, I head to the kitchen table, whip out my laptop and start typing. In school I always enjoyed writing (though I was never that great at it). But once I got out of high school I never wrote much. I was an engineer for a consulting firm, and writing creatively wasn’t part of my job description  🙂

But over the past couple of years I have gotten back into it, and I really do enjoy the process of writing. So I make this something I do almost every day . Plus, it gives me energy, and I will always take more energy

I wish I had more time to write in the mornings, but my quiet time comes first, and I'm just not going to get up much earlier than 4:30 right now. So 30-ish minutes will have to do 🙂

Writing/"something creative" Tips:

A morning routine for moms doesn't have to be strictly productive and practical. You can have fun during your morning routine, too. Every mom should have some creative outlet, even if you don't see yourself as a "creative". We all create in some way -- meals, schedules, works of art, activities for our kids, door wreaths, signs and verses to put in your house. As humans, I really think that something in us comes alive when we are creating. 

Find a hobby or project that you would love to complete, and start slowly working on it in the mornings before your kids wake up. Think about:

  • What you loved to work on as a kid
  • Things about which you have said "if only I had more time..."
  • What others say you are really good at

I think you will find that taking the time to do something creative will actually give you more energy and creativity for your kids, as well.

6:15 AM - Reading a story with my youngest

My youngest one, who is currently 16  months, gets up between 6:00 and 6:30. When he gets up I close my computer, get him out of his crib, and make him a cup of warmed milk.

OK, if we are being totally honest, sometimes I groan when I hear his "maaaamaaaa!", and vainly keep my computer open hoping to write even after he is awake...spoiler alert: this usually does't work.

But on the days I choose wisely, we head to couch to read a Bible story. I can tell he loves these few minutes in the mornings when it's just me and him. It is a sweet time.

Tips for the first few minutes with your little one:

  • Spend those first few minutes WITH them.
  • Put away distractions (like your creative project). 
  • Read a story that your little one loves. 
  • Give them lots of physical touch (as much as they like).
  • Tell them that you love them.
  • Create a peaceful and quiet environment (no T.V. or podcasts playing in the background).

6:30 AM - Little one's pre-breakfast snack

When my first son was little he ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with maybe a snack in there somewhere. 

My second son wants to eat ALL THE TIME. And nope, that is not an exaggeration. I don't want to make breakfast twice (when my oldest gets up as well), so I give my little one a snack to tide him over until my oldest is up and I do make breakfast. 

"Pre-breakfast" Snack Tips:

  • banana
  • sliced pears
  • piece of cheese
  • grapes
  • pretzels

And, if they are little, always put them in their booster seat or high chair...no one wants to be chasing sticky fingers and bits of cheese around the house at 6:30 in the morning 🙂

6:30-6:50 AM - Workout

I realized that I wasn't going to be able to get my quiet time, writing, and workout down before the kids woke up, unless I started waking up at 3:30 (listen, I still want to sleep some!)

So I recently decided to do my workout after my youngest gets up. After setting him up with a little snack at the table, I do a workout right there in the kitchen. It's like dinner and a movie for him :). He laughs and babbles, and just loves it. 


Workout Tips For A Mom's Morning Routine:

Short and sweet is the trick here, friend.  I have a playlist on my YouTube account that I have added workouts to over the past couple of years, and I choose one from that menu to do in the mornings. 

Here are some ideas for you that are on my list: 

<20 minute workouts (that work if you are pregnant, too!):

Quick, but tough, 8 minute workouts:

If you thrive with a schedule and plan, check out GlowBody PT's 8 Minute Workout Challenge. It really is great!

7:00 AM - Reading Bible with oldest

My oldest comes down sometime around 7:00, and after warming up a cup of milk for him we plop on the couch and read a story from his Bible. This is a cozy, sweet time together. Now that he is 3.5 years old, he is starting to ask questions about what we read each day. 

We started this when he was young, maybe 15 months old or so. At that age we weren't necessarily reading to him for the sake of the content. We were reading the Bible to him first thing in the morning so that he could build the habit.

Now it is about more than just building the habit --  it's about sharing The Gospel with him. And it is usually a very sweet start to our day. 

Tips for reading the Bible with your kids:

Remember: when they are young, it is more about the habit than anything else. Even if it is just two minutes of opening up their Bible, do it. Get them in the habit of hearing about "God" and/or "Jesus" first thing in the AM. 

  • If you don't have a Bible to read with your little one, The Storybook Bible is great at weaving Christ into every story -- both Old and New Testament. We also have The Beginners Bible and enjoy reading it as well. Each story is more stand alone, but this Bible contains a lot more stories from the Bible than The Storybook Bible. Or, if you are looking for a full-text Bible for your kiddo, this one came highly recommended to me by a friend!
  • To get them really into the stories, let them watch a short video depiction of the Bible story as well. Just type the story that you read into YouTube and see what comes up!
  • If you have trouble getting them to sit still and listen, start slow. Read one page, then let the time be done. But be consistent every morning. Slowly they will start to enjoy the time more. 

7:30/7:45 AM - Breakfast for the kiddos

Once everyone has had their milk and read the Bible, we head to the kitchen to make breakfast. I don't make anything crazy for breakfast, mostly because I don't want to do a whole lot of dishes in the mornings (who's with me??). We keep it pretty simple - eggs or oatmeal. Every now and then we will make pancakes or, better yet, waffles. Nom Nom Nom.

Tips for Breakfast With Your Kids:

  • Keep it simple. Mornings should be a peaceful time, so don't make more work for yourself, which then often means less patience for your kids. 
  • Sit with them. Even if you don't eat, use this time to chat or read a picture book to them. 
  • Wash the dishes right after you eat. Don't let those dishes sabotage your day.

7:45 AM - Shower

I do not like going through  my day without showering. I feel more alive, more put together, more energetic, and calmer when I have showered and put on some “day clothes”. Even if I just throw on a T-shirt and jeans, I still feel ready to go. 

The exact time may vary, depending on when my husband needs to start work for the day. Sometimes I jump in the shower right when the boys and my husband sit down to eat...I just try to work it out with his schedule so that I can get it in. I always regret it when I don't fit in my shower before he is off for the day...

Tips for getting your shower in:

A successful morning routine for moms is not complete without a shower 🙂 here are a couple tips for getting one in:

  • Work it out with your husband and let him know that you would like to shower before he leaves. If he doesn't know, he can't accommodate! And don't assume he knows. Just ask. 
  • If you can't get it in before he leaves, then let taking a shower be part of your early morning routine. 

You Can Have A Happy Morning Routine for Moms, Too.

And that is how this mom's morning routine usually goes. Not all the time, not always perfectly, but this is the goal. 

What does your morning routine look like? Shoot me an email at kelsey@mamasmornings.com, or comment below!

I'm rooting for you,

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