Inside: Even if you don't enjoy an early morning, there are definitely some things you are missing out on by not waking up early, before your little ones do! Here is why I love my morning routine, and why I think you will love one, too. 

A glimmer of shiny metal caught my eye. The urge to move in closer and look in the box was stronger than the willpower my 9 year old body could muster. One peep confirmed all my dreams were about to come true.

For Christmas this year, I was getting a brand new Razor scooter. 

Oh the anticipation! And even though I knew exactly what was coming, the sense of utter glee that Christmas morning was not diminished.


Now that I'm a mama and wife, my early morning routine brings a similar sense of thrill (really, it does!). The anticipation of 1.5 hours alone in the morning leaves me giddy. Even though I know it's coming, I don't take for granted that time to be quiet and alone.  

But I wasn't always this way - and I bet you aren't quite there yet (isn't that why you are here?)

While I can't guarantee you're going to learn to love early mornings as much as I do, I can give you some reasons why it might just change your life - even if you're convinced it won't.

But first things first: 

Should parents be awake before kids?

That word “should” is a tough one. It feels like the words “always” and “never”. It’s hard to tell someone they “should” do something. 

So should every mom be waking up before their kids? My first instinct is yes! Because for me, and so many mamas I know, this little habit has made a drastic difference in how we move about the rest of our day.

I'll also concede there might be some circumstances where waking up before your kids isn’t the best thing for your family. If that's you, reading this probably isn't the best use of your time. 

But, if you've caught yourself saying any of these statements, a morning routine is for you:

  • I just can’t seem to find time in the day to be in the Word and prayer.
  • I wish I had time work on some old hobbies, but with kids there is no margin. 
  • It’s so hard to wake up when my kids do. I find myself irritable, sluggish, and not quite myself for at least the first hour in the morning.
  • I miss time to myself! I can’t seem to get a minute in the day to drink a tall glass of water, let alone sneak a workout in.
  • The whole day I feel like a hamster on a wheel -  I can't ever seem to keep up. And then it just starts right back over. Help!

So you can relate to one or more of those statements? Great! Now here is the big question:

How do you become a morning person when you have kids!?

“I’m just not a morning person” I hear mamas say. 

So can I tell you a little secret? 

I’m not sure I am, either. 

And that is exactly why I need an early morning routine. "Getting the groggy out" takes time. Unless I wake up before the kids, I spend the first minutes of their day trying to get mentally ready for mine..

So how do you change old habits and start new ones?

Here are a few quick steps to help you become a morning person:

  1. Exercise during the day
  2. Don't eat after 6PM
  3. Set your alarm, and put it out of reach
  4. Write down your morning goals
  5. Read an inspiring quote right before bed
  6. Build a relaxing bedtime routine
  7. Be patient. Be Consistant

For more details on each of these head over here. 

What should I do when I wake up before my family?

The beauty of it is this: you can do whatever you want. But if you want to have a life-giving morning routine - one that leaves you feeling nourished and energized - there are 5 building blocks of the "perfect" mom morning routine

7 Reasons I Wake Up Before My Kids Everyday

Here are my biggest motivators for getting up early.

1. Waking up before the kids gives me time to spend in God's Word and prayer

Yes, I can spend time with God any time of the day. But there is something so important and sweet about giving Him the "first fruits" of the day. It's important, mama.

Here are just three reason why:

  • As a believer, I know I need His grace, His love, and His mercy. Allowing Him to speak to me and show me who He is, is necessary! I need to be reminded everyday of who my King is and who I'm living my life for.
  • It puts my focus on Christ instead of myself. And a life focused on myself is miserable and unfulfilling. When I spend the day thinking about what I need, what I want, how I can get some time to myself, how my kids are irritating me, how I can get my house chores done, what my husband should be saying to me and doing for is exhausting. 
  • I am filled by Christ  and no longer need to be filled by others. We can't pour in others, unless were first filled up ourselves. It's self-care, mama. The kind of self-care that isn't selfish

2. When I wake up before the kids I get time to rehydrate my body

Which usually comes in the form of a tall glass of water followed by a hot mug of tea (oh the bliss)

Why do we need to rehydrate first thing in the morning??:

  • Our bodies need fluids after a long night's sleep. After 7-8 hours without any water (and probably longer because I'm guessing we don’t always drink a glass right before bed), our bodies are in desperate need of some fluids.
  • We often mistake dehydration for hunger, so grabbing a glass of water before anything else might satisfy your initial desire to grab something quick to eat first thing in the morning.
  • Dehydration can make us feel tired and sluggish.  When my body doesn't feel great, I don't give my husband, my kids, or others around me what I want to give. There will be plenty of things in our day that will make us tired and sluggish! We might as well get a head start and kick the day off right. 

And, if you are getting up early before your kids, you can enjoy that mug of tea or hot cup of coffee in the peace and quiet, on the unshared couch or love seat 🙂

3. Waking up before the kids gives me time to "get the groggy out"

Who likes to be fuzzy brained and puffy-eyed while getting their kids out of bed and ready for the day? Not me.

A common misconception is that morning people wake up at 4 A.M. chipper, fully alert, and automatically ready to conquer the day. I consider myself a morning person, but that doesn't mean I jump out of bed doing the cha-cha-slide down the hall.

If you are not a morning person, you can still trick your kids into thinking that you are. Getting up before the kids offers you time to be groggy and in your morning bad mood before the kids are up.

Plus, how you welcome your kids to the day matters. They will absorb your attitude and energy. Help them start their day off right by being alert, positive, and happy when they wake up.  

4. An early morning helps me enjoy the rest of the day with my kids more

....instead of dreading the morning routine.  If I wake up before the kids I am ready and excited about hearing their little voices in the morning. Here is why:

  1. I can prepare ahead for my little ones' morning. The milk can be warmed (yes, we warm our 2 year-old's milk in the mornings!), the oatmeal can be made, the Bible laid out, windows and blinds opened so they wake up to a bright room...getting a few things done before they wake up will allow you to really enjoy them when they do get up. 
  2. I won't crave "alone time" during the day - I've already had it. And I can fully present with my kids, savoring the time we have together. Instead of stealing away to the kitchen to chug a hot mug of tea, I can snuggle with them on the couch.

5. If I wake up before the kids I can get an uninterrupted workout in

I am no fitness guru, but I do try andmake staying fit a priority. While I don't get a workout in every morning, on the days I do:

  • I feel more energized
  • I feel more accomplished because I have already checked a box off of my to-do list. 
  • My brain is clearer and less fuzzy and cloudy
  • I have more confidence!

6. Waking up early provides an opportunity to enjoy my home while it is clean and quiet

This gives me time to appreciate what we have, and sit in the SILENCE (because that is rare these days for all of us I'm sure). There is something about a quiet house, first thing in the morning that is so calming. I hate to miss that.

When much of your day is spent wiping up spills, picking up messes, and moping the floors this is especially important. All the cleaning can feel pointless because it just never ends

But, if you get up early, you can actually appreciate the clean, tidy house that you call home.

7. Time alone in the morning gives me time to write

Writing energizes me. For you it might be reading, knitting, cooking, or building an expenses spreadsheet (I know you're out there!). But the time in the morning allows me to pursue hobbies that I otherwise might not have time to.

Now What?

If you have trouble getting into the groove of a morning routine, join the Early Bird Mama Program and I'll walk you straight through the process!

I'm rooting for you,

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