This is Part I of a 4 part series on staying fit as a SAHM. Coming up later this week: 7 Reasons Every Mom Should Do A Morning Workout; 5 No-Brainer Ways That SAHMs Can Stay Fit; 21 YouTube Workouts for SAHMs

My jeans hugged my waist a little tighter. My shorts seemed to be riding up my thighs more often. 

Is my belly getting bigger?!?

I was in a funk. I wasn’t quite as energetic with my kids as normal. I didn’t feel like doing much and I was discouraged. 

Then I stepped on the scale - and it wasn’t bad. In fact, it hadn’t really gone up. 


My heart beat a little faster. 

I felt some energy flowing through my body. A smile formed on my face as I bounced out of the bathroom. 

I am ashamed to admit that after that scale hop my attitude shifted. I was suddenly in a great mood. 

And that is how I knew something needed to change - I needed to change how I viewed my body and my workout routine.


I see you there - already feeling bogged down by yet something else that you “should” be doing. 

But before you start feeling overwhelmed or guilty, let me say this: when I say that SAHMs should care about “staying fit”, I don’t mean cover-of-Sports-Illustrated-Swimsuit-Edition fit. By “fit”, I mean that your body is strong and healthy, that you are nurturing it well, and you are confident in it. That’s it. 

FAR too often when we talk about moms and working out the emphasis is on how we want to look - the pudge we want to get rid of; the thighs we wish we had (or didn't have); the abs that have disappeared...we want to get fit so that we will look a certain way. And while this feels good in the short term, in the long term it doesn’t mean squat. 

Yes, it is important to feel good in your own skin - but you don’t have to look a certain way to feel good about yourself. 

So today let’s talk about the other, more vital reasons why stay at home moms should be concerned with staying fit. 

Hold tight there, mama. After reading this list, you’ll be itching to lace up those running shoes and hit the pavement! But don’t head out the door just yet, because coming up in part three: 5 No-Brainer Ways That Stay At Home Moms Can Stay Fit - and you don't even have to leave your house. You are welcome. 

12 Reasons Every Mom Should Start A Workout Routine

1. Physical activity will increase your energy levels

It’s all about your metabolism. While a high metabolism does help to keep extra weight from creeping up on you, it more importantly increases your energy levels. Conversely, a slow metabolism will make you feel sluggish and slow (and mama, we don’t need that!). Another added benefit - a high metabolism means toxins are flushed from your body faster…goodbye to the bad (and hello to the good). 

2. Staying fit will help you todevelop the habit of discipline

You set and achieve a goal - and that feels good, gosh darnit!

Getting into a good workout routine is mostly about the mental game - will you hit play on that workout video even though you don’t feel like it? Will put on your running shoes despite everything else that needs to get done?

Building that discipline muscle takes work. It doesn’t happen on it’s own. But the benefits will become apparent - and will flow into other aspects of your life as well.  It will pay off! 

3. Regular exercise will reduce the risk of heart disease

The heart is a muscle, and just like any muscle, regular exercise keeps it toned, healthy, and strong. Exercise, especially cardiovascular exercise, improves blood flow and circulation - which can reduce the development of blood clots and blockages. 

You may not feel an eminent need to reduce the risk of heart failure, but look at it this way - if you want your heart to be strong, then you need to work that muscle. The best way to work that muscle is to get it pumping. You get it pumping by increasing blood flow. You increase blood flow by moving your body. 

4. Staying fit willincrease your self-confidence (and sex might be better, too)

I am most sexy when I am most confident - at least that is what my husband tells me.

What that says to me is that what I look like is not as important to him as how I feel. That motivates me to workout, not so that I will look a certain way (though that is a bonus), but so that I will feel a certain way - that I will feel more confident, strong, and healthy. 

If not for yourself, do it for the man that you love. Not because he is looking for more toned abs or slim inner thighs (go ahead - ask him…I bet he doesn’t give a rip about a thigh gap), but because you want to give him the best of yourself.

5. A consistent workout routine willmake you more productive

With more energy and more oxygen flowing to your brain, you will feel more clear and able to focus on the tasks at hand. Ever wonder why so many companies offer gym memberships to their employees? Or better yet, have gyms onsite? Because they know that if their employees stay fit, they will produce better results. 

Same for you, mama.

6. Working out allows for ahealthy flow of vitamins and minerals to your brain

Blood is constantly flowing through our bodies, keeping us alive and healthy. When blood flows to our brain, it provides vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and oxygen. This keeps our brain strong and healthy - and a healthy brain means more energy, clarity, and better decision making. 

The circulation of blood through the brain also removes carbon dioxide and other toxins that are in our brain but are not needed (and/or harmful). 

When we exercise, our heart rate goes up. An elevated heart rate means blood is flowing more rapidly through the body - and to the brain. This increased blood supply means more vitamins and nutrients, more oxygen, and a greater reduction of toxins.

7. Staying fit willhelp your body to fight away disease

It seems as though a regular workout routine builds a more healthy immune system. Science is not sure why yet - though there are several theories. Regardless, there is evidence that if you exercise regularly, your immune system will be stronger. 

8. Regular exercise willimprove your memory (mom brain, anyone?)

You no longer have an excuse for it - there is a cure!

Well, maybe not a cure, but definitely a minimizer…

Exercise - moving your body and getting your heart pumping - reduces the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. It keeps our brain sharp. And our memory is strong. 

Mom brain, be gone!

9. Exercise is known toboost creativity

And you and I know that as a mom, creativity is what keeps us going 🙂 

Oftentimes during a workout I will have ideas for projects, either for myself or for the kids, that I had not thought of before. Or I will think of a solution to a problem I have been mulling over for days! Even something as simple as a morning walk will help to get those creative and innovative juices flowing. 

 A study done by Frontiers in Human Neuroscience showed that after a workout participants scored better on creative tests. 

So science also agrees with me 🙂

10. Engaging in exercisemakes you happier

Every month about 1300 moms (like you) type “happy mom” into Google. So while this may sound frivolous, it apparently is important for most of us that we feel happy. 

Regular workouts and exercise can make you feel happier as a mom - why? For starters, re-read the 9 reasons we have already discussed above... 

Plus, it’s scientifically proven. A Penn State University study showed participants in a trial came back to say that they experience more “pleasant thoughts” when they engaged in exercise. I don’t know all the specifics or what all that means, but who can contest more pleasant thoughts??!

11. Stay fit to set a healthyexample for your kids

Do want your kids to take care of their bodies? Do you want them to feel confidence, motivated, and healthy? 

Then you need to show them how it is done. 

You are the example they are going to follow. If you want those things for them, you have to do them for yourself, first. 

12. Get fit becauseyour body is a temple of the Living God

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 

Now It’s Up To You To Stay Fit (But I’ve Got More Help Coming Your Way)

Alright fit mama (and I’m calling you fit mama, whether or not you see yourself as one NOW, because you are getting ready to start a doable, practical, workout routine 🙂 ). It is now your turn to start thinking about how you can add some physical activity into your day as a stay at home mom. 

Once we are done with this series, you will be out of excuses…

I'm rooting for you!

  • Number 12 (gahh YES, ultimate motivation!) and number 5 about how working out will make you more productive knocking out your to-do list vs just letting all the days wash into one another.

    • Yes! When I have that urge to dig into an entire pan of brownies and veg out on the couch instead of doing something active – it’s harder to do that when you remember Who you were created by and for…

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