This is Part II of a 4-part series on staying fit as a SAHM. Check out Part I here!

“I’ll do it later this afternoon”

Says every mom who plans on working out - but ends up washing dishes and putting puzzles together instead. 

I did it myself just this week (and more than once). I skipped out on the workout in the morning in the name of “doing something different” and “having a relaxing + chill” early morning with my cup of tea, and told myself that it wasn’t a big deal - I would just do it later in the afternoon. 


And I just can’t understand why my pants are tighter than they were a month ago???? (couldn’t have had a thing to do with that cake I’ve been chowing down on all week either)....

As stay at home moms we get distracted. A kid will have a meltdown, the sun will be out and we will want to jump on the trampoline with our kids, the world's worst diaper explosion will erupt on your couch, or dinner will suddenly have to be cooked. 

9 times out of 10, something will come up that will make it easy to skip that workout later in the day. 

If you want to get fit and stay fit as a stay at home mom, then get in the habit of doing your workouts in the morning. 

7 reasons why stay at home moms should workout in the morning

1. Starting the day with a workout creates a trigger for exercise - and that will help you to be more consistent

Triggers are an integral part of developing a new habit. They tell our brain something is about to change or that something different should be happening. Waking up is generally a trigger for you to grab a cup of coffee, brush your teeth, read your Bible, etc. 

But waking up can also be a great trigger for working out.

Especially if you have prepped the night before, and have your sports bra and shorts waiting for you. 

You want the path of least resistance, and coinciding your workout with a trigger, like waking up, will help to keep you on task and consistent!

2. A morning workout is generally calmer and more peaceful

Without the kids crawling up your legs or trying to grab your arm mid push-up, your workout will be more peaceful, relaxing, and calm. 

It is very possible (and sometimes more fun) to get your workout in when the kids are up - in part III we will get some tips on how to do this effectively. 

But there is nothing like the calm of an early morning workout. 

You can always do one with the kids later 🙂

3. You will know that you have done at least one thing that was healthy for your body

Your day is going to get crazy. You probably aren’t going to get everything done on your list today. Something will come up with one of the kids, your mom will call, a friend will ask for help with her kids for a few hours…

But, if you get your workout done first thing in the morning you will already have SOMETHING on your list that you have accomplished. You will know that you have already done something good and healthy and important for your body.  

4. A morning workout means less excuses

Early in the morning, when everyone else is asleep, there aren’t really that many excuses that you can come up with to skip your workout. Well ok, I’m sure we can all come up with plenty of excuses - but not valid ones that would constitute good reasons. 

There will be excuses later in the day - and some will be very valid!. So don’t wait. Do it now when there aren’t any (or at least as many). 

5. Starting the day off with exercise means you are more likely to eat healthy the rest of the day

I know for me, when I start my day off with a workout I tend to eat better throughout the rest of the day. It is mostly a mental thing - when you know you have done something good for your body you want to keep up the momentum. 

And maybe it is more than mental - maybe if your body has gotten some of what it needs (exercise) it won’t crave the junk that it doesn’t need as much.

The International Journal of Obesity published a study in which college students participated in a 15-week exercise program - they were instructed to not change their eating habits during the program. By the end of the study the students who stuck with the program ended up making different food choices automatically - healthier food choices. 

If you aren’t sure about this one, try it out! Give a morning workout a try, and see if it doesn’t affect how you eat the rest of the day. Then let me know what you find out...

6. A morning workout will wake you up and energize you for the day

The whole point of a Mama’s Morning is to create a morning routine that you love - that will energize you and give you life. Starting your day off with a workout is key in that equation because it really does help your body to wake up and feel motivated for the day. 

There have been many mornings that I wake up early, go through my routine, but exclude the workout for whatever reason. Without fail, I always feel more groggy and tired when the kids get up.

Wake up that body, get ready for the day - do your workout!

7. Getting your workout done in the morning will give you a sense of accomplishment before the day even starts

And accomplishments make us feel good. So go ahead and check that box off of your list. You have done something that is necessary for your health, and for your family’s health. Be proud of what you have done, then get to playing and nurturing those kids you were made to love!

4 Quick Tips For Adding A Workout To Your Early Morning Routine

  1. Prep the night before. Have your clothes ready to go, shoes untied, socks out, and workout planned. Don’t give yourself an excuse not to. 
  1. Remember to do a quiet workout that won’t wake up the kids! 
  1. Drink a glass of water or hot tea before you start. You will need to rehydrate your body (after a night without any fluids) before getting into a workout - so drink up!
  1. Don’t get discouraged if the kids wake up mid-workout. Pause the workout, give them some cuddles, hugs, and kisses, then set them up with a pre-breakfast snack while you finish up.

Whether you workout in the morning or not, more important than the time of day is that you get a workout in.

If you are not convinced that a morning workout will help you to stay fit, my feelings are not hurt 🙂 But I do think it is important that you get into some sort of exercise routine, regardless of what time of the day you do it in

So stay tuned, because on Wednesday we have a personal trainer and pre+postnatal fitness expert that is going to share her 5 No-Brainer Ways That Stay At Home Moms Can Stay Fit. You won’t want to miss it!

Meanwhile, what, if any, of the reasons to workout in the morning resonated with you? Will any of these spur you to actually change up your routine? If not, why? I would love to hear from you!

Looking forward to talking Wednesday.

and remember...I'm rooting for you!

  • This one really resonates “Starting the day off with exercise means you are more likely to eat healthy the rest of the day.” This is so true because you are subconsciously thinking you don’t want to ‘waste’ or ‘undo’ all of the hard work you just put in.

    • It is so true. Healthy choices build on each other! It’s all about the combination of small, good choices.

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