Inside: Being a mama is like running a marathon - it's an endurance sport! Let's fuel our bodies that way. Here are 5 energizing breakfasts for moms:

Food matters. 

Several years ago I was running a 50k trail race and was reminded of just how true that is. 

It was a hilly course in the Chattanooga mountains. My legs were burning and achy, and my body was totally depleted. 

I so desperately wanted to call it quits - I was weak and every step felt like the ultimate challenge.

As we approached an aid station my husband stuffed shots of coke and salty chips into my hands.


It was like I had pumped adrenaline directly into my veins - the energy was back, and enthusiasm slowly began to replace the sense of dread and despair. 

Now if I would have started the race hyped up on sugar and salt I wouldn't have lasted long - my body probably would have crashed.

At the start of the race by body needed something different.

Food matters.

What we put in our bodies does, in many ways, depict how we feel throughout the day. 

And what better way to start the day then with a good, energizing breakfast. Because you’ve got kids and a husband and friends you want to be there for during the day. You want to be at your best. You want to feel your best. 

Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

This has been the storyline since I was a kid - probably the same for you, right? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, everyone has always said. 

Now, I'm not a scientist or a nutritionist. I can only share what I’ve learned from my own experience. So please, take what I have to say with a grain of salt. 

But the answer to that question is the most irritating (but obvious) one: it depends.

  • It depends on what you ate the day before. 
  • It depends on when you ate your last meal.
  • It depends on if you’re hungry or not. 
  • It depends on your body. 
  • It depends on if you’re doing a workout in the morning or not. 

It just so often depends.

I’ve gone through seasons where I felt better when I skipped an early breakfast and had a mid-morning snack. 

And there have been seasons where I had to eat in the morning otherwise I would morph into some version of a three-headed monster. 

But I will say this (and I’ve said this before): how you start the day has a huge impact on how the rest of your day goes. 

How you start the day matters. 

Food matters. 

So how you start the day with food - matters.

What makes a healthy and energizing breakfast for moms? 

Before we talk about actual breakfast ideas, here are a few of the nutrients you can look for to make sure you’re getting a filling and energizing breakfast:

Fat: satisfies, and keeps you fuller longer.

Protein: provides long last energy

Carbs: gives you an immediate energy boost (but don’t overdo it in the carb department - that's often where the sluggishness comes in!)

Fiber: keeps you feeling full

5 Energizing Breakfasts for Moms

1. Yogurt with uncooked oatmeal, berries, and a dash of maple syrup

This used to be a go-to, everyday treat for me. I love the coolness of the yogurt on a hot day (especially after a workout), the sweetness of the maple syrup, the tanginess of berries, and the nutty flavor and texture the oatmeal adds. It’s a winner in my book (and soon to be in yours, too). 

2. Scrambled eggs with spinach

I don't normally enjoy whipping out the pan and scrambling eggs over the hot stove in the mornings, but there are some days my body is just screaming for some eggs. Add some spinach and bell peppers to get some added nutrients into your body early in the day. 

3. Banana, spinach, blueberry, chai seed smoothie 

This great thing about a smoothie is that it can be drunk on the go! We like to put ours in mason jars (just poke a hole in the lid and slide in a straw!) It makes an easy on the go breakfast.

4. Peanut butter date bars/balls

I wish I could share the exact recipe with you, but basically I blend dates, peanut butter, raw oatmeal, honey (or maple syrup), and a dash of cinnamon into a blender. Adjust the ingredients until it’s a not-too-sticky consistency and either press into a 9 by 13 inch dish or roll into balls! These keep great in the fridge and are fabulous for a quick breakfast that will keep you full. 

5. Toast with almond butter, honey, and chia seeds

Loaded with fat and proteins, just a simple piece of toast with a nut butter, honey, and chia seeds really can’t be beat. 

Breakfasts Foods That Will Make You feel Sluggish

I love pancakes. And waffles. They are warm, fluffy, and the fork cutting into the cake just feels so dang good. Not to mention the butter and maple syrup - I could eat a stack right now. 

They are delicious. But then, about 30 minutes after indulging, I usually regret it. Because while they taste fabulous, the sugar and carbs in pancakes and waffles make me feel sluggish and tired. 

So while we still enjoy pancakes and waffles every now and then, it’s not an every morning treat. Because it doesn’t give us the energy we need and want for the day!

So, while these are delicious and good every now and then, if you want an energizing breakfast stay away from:

  • Pancakes
  • Waffles
  • Muffins
  • Scones
  • Leftover pan of brownies (yes, that’s been my breakfast more than once!)


Food matters.

Mama, being a mother is much like a running marathon. It requires sacrifice, discipline, and endurance. So make sure you’re fueling your body well. Give yourself what you need to run this race strong.

I’m rooting for you:

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